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新闻来源: 东山外国语学校国际部 发布日期: 2021-03-30 访问次数:





  After I had watched Mr. Obama’s speech. I got a shock, because in my view, president is so busy that they rarely queeze time to give a speech to these young men.However, Obama paid high attention to students and education.

  I know from his speech that when he was a boy, his life was hard. He had no money to go to school for study and his mum had no support from other family members. She had to earn money ,meanwhile, she taught her son lessons herself. Every day ,they started the lesson at four in the morning and young Obama struggled a lot with the sleepiness. He said he often fell asleep right there at the kitchen table. Although it was hard for him, he persevered. That is the one reason why he could successfully be a president.

  His point is ‘the responsibility each of you has for your education’ he wants to tell us if we have the best teacher but you do not take responsibility for your study, none of it will matter. All of skills should be discovered but if you do not try, it will be none. So try it man, you will never find yourself so strong.

  He encourages us to discover our advantages and in the future can make a contribute to Amerian. Then, he takes some examples like: his wife, J. K. Rowling, and, Micheal Jordan to tell us to search experience from failure. Nobody is clever than you and no one is fool. You just need to do more than other person. Just like he said “ if you get a bad grade, that doesn’t mean you’are stupid. it just means you need to append more time studying.”

  No one was born being good at all things. You become good at things through hard work. So we should do better than before and improve ourselves day after day.

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